How to search for trademarks beginning with a particular word

I got a fun trademark register search query today: can we search for a mark which starts with a particular word?
I'm fairly sure this isn't possible in TESS, at least not in any way I know (there are a LOT of unwritten TESS tricks though, so I'm not 100% on that).

However, it DOES appear to be possible with the new tool. I hypothesized that combining a full mark search with .* truncation at the end (which allows for any succeeding number and combination of characters, including zero) would do the trick.

I tested this out by searching a word that I happen to know is very rare in trademarks: axolotl! Since there are only 32 marks (live or dead) containing "axolotl" on the US Trademark register, only 4 of which do /not/ start with it, I was able to easily test the accuracy of my hypothesized search string. When it pulled up 28 results, all starting with axolotl, I knew it worked!

So now we know that
can be used to bring up all marks starting with "mark"!

Huzzah! Fun trademark search tricks! I'm really enjoying discovering all the things this new search tool can do.


Searching acronyms in the new USPTO search tool


New Trademark Search Tool Search Tips