New Trademark Search Tool Search Tips

I've heard a number of people confused about the check boxes on the side of the search tool greying out and becoming unusable at times. From my tests, it appears that this happens automatically if you use any field tags in your search strings.

When that happens, you will have to add additional elements to your search string to specify the lifecycle status of your search results and the international class options.

Here is how you can specify the various options in the checkboxes within a search string:

AND LD:true – live marks.
AND LD:false – dead marks.
AND RN:* – marks that have ever been registered (live or dead)
AND LD:true NOT RD:* – live but pending marks
AND LD:false NOT RD:* - dead marks that abandoned before they registered
AND LD:false AND RD:* - dead marks that registered but later were cancelled
AND CC:00X - searching by coordinated classes
AND IC:00X - searching by individual class


How to search for trademarks beginning with a particular word


Exporting Relevant Records